Bone Loss: Say it isn't so.
Bone Loss: Say It Isn't So There’s a lot of things we take for granted. Things we believe are true that we just accept without...
What's The Core For?
So, what is the core for? Most of us are familiar with the muscles that make up our core; the abdominal muscles and the muscles of the...
The Better the Brakes the Better the Motor
Muscles are what move us in virtually endless ways. From walking to dancing, to dunking a basketball. They're like our motor. They are...
Breathing: What a Concept?
So, some of you may think “What is he talking about? I breath all the time.” Sure, we all breath enough to survive. Few of us breath in a...
Why don't we move more often? Part IV
Wow! I want to take the time to thank you for hanging with me through this series. I’m grateful for your participation. So on to more fun...
Play more hurt less.
I came across a very interesting article about how free play during childhood is critical to getting a good job. I was so excited that I...
Why don't we move more often? Part III
I think I’ve at least started to build a case for my statement that we are built to move. If you haven’t read the first two parts of this...
Why we don’t move more often? Part II
When we ended last time we had just started to get to the good stuff. The meat and potatoes of why movement/moving is so important and...
Why don’t we move more often?
Your first reply to that question may be because it hurts too. That is probably true on the surface. We don’t move when our body or parts...
What is mindfulness? Does it matter?
To move mindfully may seem mysterious and maybe even a little strange. Let me see if I can help demystify the process. Most people have...