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Man or Machine: Part 1

We live in an age of wondrous technological developments. Most of us are familiar with the rapid progress in smart phones and tablets. Not to mention all the handy new ways you can connect with your car or even your appliances. Those devices and how they can affect your health are a subject for another day. Today, I would like to offer a few words for thought about machines that we use to get fit. Specifically, machines we use to get stronger. In most health clubs they have a line of weight machines that you sit or lie down on and select the weight you want to use then do the movement along the prescribed path the machine has you follow until you get to whatever repetition or level of fatigue, you’re looking for to stimulate an increase in your strength. These machines are very popular for their convenience and ease of use. They make things simple for the user and they can do what they want or think they have to do to get stronger. There is no doubt about it they can increase your strength. They even increase lean muscle mass and bone density. So, we’re good right? Well maybe not. They do have some weaknesses:

  1. They are one size fits all, and we’re not all the same size.

  2. You have to follow the machine's path of motion. What if your path isn’t the same?

  3. The machine provides your support and stability. Aren’t you designed to support and stabilize yourself?

The fact is these types of machines are very limited in their benefits. Using them exclusively or for most of your strength training program can compromise your ability to move the way you’re designed to move. They don’t replicate the activities that we do out in the real world. Our bodies adapt to what we do. When you use these machines, your body is adapting to the patterns you use when performing the exercises on them. There is some crossover in strength while doing other activities, but it is limited. I’m not saying to not use them at all. Just that you would be better off doing strength building activities that use movements that your body was designed to do more than you use the machines. You’ll get the results you want; more strength, increased muscle mass and bone density, while also becoming more able to move like you want to and do the things that you want to do. Something to think about. There’s more to this story. So, that will be the topic of my next post. In the meantime, consider hiring a professional such as myself to help you design a program that will help you get the most out of your time and effort. Until next time keep moving. We’re made to move, and it feels good to move.



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