Bone Health: Our basic structure.
In the United States it’s estimated that 10 million people (about half the population of New York) 50 years and older have osteoporosis....
Part II: What’s so special about breathing through your nose?
Well, there are so many reasons it’s hard to begin listing them all. As was already mentioned, breathing through your nose shifts you...
Breathing: The Foundation of Our Lives
Breathing: The foundation of our lives. Â Â Part I: In the beginning. Â Â Breathing is probably something that most of us take for...
Part II: How our nervous system interacts in our daily life.
Both systems are in play throughout the day. When we need a boost because of a threat, or some extra energy for an activity, like playing...
Where all Movement Begins: The Nervous System.
Part 1: a basic introduction:  Our nervous system is vast and complex. To simplify our discussion, I’ll define it as the system that...
Healthy Aging Through Movement
Introduction: Movement is a key part of staying healthy. Most of us have heard about the need to exercise to keep our body healthy. That...
Your Feet: Balance Begins Here
Here are some sobering statistics: 30% of people aged 65 to74 fall at least once a year. Those aged 75 and older increases to 40%. There...
Man or Machine: Part 1
We live in an age of wondrous technological developments. Most of us are familiar with the rapid progress in smart phones and tablets....
Getting Up and Down Off the Floor Could be a Real Life Saver.
Sounds kind of silly doesn’t it. How could getting up and down off the floor save your life. Well, obviously if you’ve fallen and can’t...
Revisiting The Core
The last post on the core I shared was about what the core does and how if it doesn’t activate and/or isn’t strong then your foundation...