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The Gift of Movement:
Sustainable Solutions to Chronic Pain

Currently offering services at:
Zone Athletic Club
2937 Council Tree Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80525

Jeff Columbia, MA - NASM CPT
Certified Pro Original Strength Coach

© 2023 by Gift of Movement Created by Jeff Columbia Pain Free

Never Underestimate the Human Body's Ability to Heal. Age is Only a Number


Jeff Columbia

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Hello, my name is Jeff Columbia. I am a certified personal trainer, human movement coach and Pro Certified Original Strength Coach, who works with people experiencing chronic pain that has limited their ability to live the life they want to live.  


For the past 25 years I’ve had the privilege of helping people from all walks of life gain freedom from the pain they’ve been suffering and reclaim their lives. It fills my heart with joy to see them rediscover the life they want to live.


If you’re like most people who suffer from chronic pain, you’ve suffered for quite some time. You’ve probably tried a host of methods to get rid of the pain and return to the life that you want to live. To date you still haven't found a sustainable solution. Chances are that’s why you’re here. You’re looking for a solution that will work over the long haul.


Congratulations, you've come to the right place. The Gift of Movement is a sustainable solution that will significantly reduce or eliminate the pain you've been suffering from.  It taps into your body's innate design to heal through movement. With some very simple movements done daily you can tap into that vast resource of healing and start returning to the life you want to live. You can regain your hope for a brighter future. A future absent of pain and filled with the freedom of living the way you want to live.


It's my mission to help people start enjoying life again! Contact me today by phone or email. Let's get you moving again, pain free! 


Jeff Columbia, MA, NASM CPT, Pro Certified Original Strength Coach

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© 2023 by Gift of Movement Created by Jeff Columbia Pain Free


START MOVING today pain-free

An Epidemic of Chronic Pain 


A recent NIH study finds high rates of persistent chronic pain among U.S. adults. Nahin RL, Feinberg T, Kapos FP, Terman GW. Estimated Rates of Incident and Persistent Chronic Pain Among US Adults, 2019-2020. JAMA Netw Open. 2023. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.13563 (Statistics are from 2019 and 2020.) 

  • The incidence of new chronic pain cases was high, at 52.4 cases per 1,000 persons per year.  

  • This is compared to other common chronic conditions, such as diabetes (7.1 cases/1,000 per year), depression (15.9 cases/ 1,000 per year), and hypertension (45.3 cases/1,000 per year). 

  • Overall, the study found that the rate of chronic pain and high-impact chronic pain (HICP) among adults is approximately 21% and 8%, respectively. 


A Persistent Problem 


  • Among those who had reported non-chronic pain in 2019, about 1 in 6 (14.9%) said they had chronic pain in 2020, pointing to the importance of early management of pain. 

  • Chronic pain is highly persistent, with almost two-thirds (61.4%) of those who reported chronic pain in 2019 still reporting chronic pain a year later. Chronic pain developed into HICP at a rate of 190 cases/1,000 per year, and 361 cases/1,000 per year of people who had initially reported HICP were still suffering a year later. 

  • While only about 1 in 10 (10.4%) of people with chronic pain in 2019 recovered and were pain free in 2020.


The Gift of Movement Difference:  


Our Approach: 


The Gift of Movement uses a 3-step process working together with clients to drastically reduce or eliminate the chronic pain that has stopped them from living the life they want to live. 


These 3 steps are: 


  1. Tapping into the body's own innate healing abilities through natural human movement. 

  2. ​Using gentle soft tissue and core work to further unlock their bodies in preparation for     resistance/strength training. 

  3. ​Progressive application of resistance to increase their strength. Using methods that meet the client where they are. 


I've been blessed to have successfully helped people in all walks of life regain their ability to live the life they desire to live. 

If you are interested in learning more, I would be happy to set up a time to answer your questions. Or schedule a time to experience it for yourself. 


Jeff Columbia: Certified Personal Trainer NASM / Certified Pro Original Strength Coach 

Phone: 970 412 0355 




© 2023 by Gift of Movement Created by Jeff Columbia Pain Free



“I decided to seek the guidance of a personal trainer a couple years ago, accepting that I was likely not going to make great advancements in my physical health, strength and endurance without help. As I’ve grown older and more cautious of injury, I’ve tried working with different trainers. I found their programs to seem canned and not tailored to my safety, goals or needs. I observed Jeff working with other clients before I decided to see how his approach with me would be.  Jeff has not only proven to be a tremendous catalyst for me to progress towards my physical goals, but has helped me realize my potential to have even greater well balanced physical strength and health. He’s remarkably patient and never fails to be invested in, or be prepared for our sessions. I always feel like he’s training me, not just any one.  The quality of his training is apparent and obviously takes far more of his time than just the direct contact with me.  Money, time and energy well spent! When I first started working with Jeff, I planned for it to be short term. Now I hope it’ll be for the long term, knowing and feeling better!”

I am 77 years old. I have been attending exercise classes on and off for most of my adult life so I am familiar with many different types of exercise training.  In the last year or so I felt like I wasn’t improving my physical well-being. In fact, I often left class feeling sore and tired. A woman I knew from previous classes, but who no longer attended, recommended Jeff. She said that he had really helped her in ways that regular exercise did not so I decided to try something new. 


I made an appointment to meet with him to discuss possibilities. He asked all the right questions needed to plan a program for me. His calm manner revealed a person with insight and empathy. I had been reluctant in the past to have a personal trainer because I didn’t want a drill sergeant. 


Working with Jeff has been pleasant and productive. Each visit he always has a new program to build on the previous one. He also sends videos to help you work out at home between visits to the gym. 


Working with Jeff has been beneficial both physically and mentally. If your body feels good your mental state will follow. If I could bottle how I feel after a session with Jeff I would make millions.    


Steffani McChesney

For 19 years I have had chronic pain on my left side due to an auto accident. Some of this is pain that goes from my neck to shoulder blade and down my arm to my fingers. With help from physical therapists, massage therapists, Pilates, acupuncture, and many more modalities, it has improved through the years, but not enough to allow me to write (I am left-handed) or do similar things with my hand without regretting it. After working with Jeff, the pain to my fingers has improved significantly. I was able to hand write a 2-page letter without pain and the pain is not chronic now. 


A couple years ago I started a membership at a local gym. I had an appointment with a personal trainer. He never showed due to being stuck in traffic. Jeff said he would give me my initial training. He asked what I wanted to get out of exercising at the gym. I stated I wanted to get in shape but without increasing the pain I already had. He said he was the person to do that. I was seeing improvement without an increase in pain for a few months. Then I was diagnosed with cancer and was not able to get back to the gym for almost a year. The cancer caused new problems to deal with along with the old pains. Progress has been slow post-cancer, but one miracle that has happened is my pain to my hand has subsided sufficiently so as to write with control and without pain. I needed to handwrite a 2-page letter, which I was regretting, but did it anyway. Afterward I realized the pain didn’t come back.  


The “standard” improvements have been good too. Exercises I wasn’t able to do at all, I am able to do with the guidance of Jeff. An example of this is squats. Jeff describes how to improve my movements to get better results. Simple things such as arm placement or head position makes all the difference. 


Jeff is very professional and patient. He is also knowledgeable in how the body works. Patience is something I really appreciate. My body doesn’t always do what my mind tells it. When that happens, he will suggest a motion that will help get the body to respond the way it should. That of course combines all three qualities I mentioned previously. 


Jeff has been a miracle worker for me. From relieving some of my chronic pain to getting my body in shape, I look forward to each session. The progress is slow, but steady. I am sorry that I didn’t have him helping me 19 years ago. I am thankful to have found Jeff to get me on the road to better health.


Laura U.

I have always struggled with spending money on myself. I guess I just take pride in being thrifty. So, when I was finally eligible for Silver Sneakers, I joined the Zone. During my intake, I shared that I suffer from pain in my right hip due to bursitis. The Zone employee excitedly told me, "We have a guy who could help." I was initially reluctant, but I signed up for sessions with Movement Coach, Jeff Columbia. He worked with me twice a week to teach me gentle movements that have helped decrease my pain, increase my range of motion, and strengthen my muscles to move my body the it was designed to move. After three months when it was time to recommit, I did not hesitate. Working with Jeff has been the smartest money I have ever spent. With tears in my eyes and incredible healing in my body, I thanked Jeff and the gentleman who told me, "We have a guy who could help."


Krista Taylor




Just a short note to thank you for the workout today. I can't believe whappened after I told you that when I was doing an exercise that I was experiencing pain in both shoulders. You immediately said we were going to do something different before doing the exercise again. You had me lay on my side and just lift my head up and down to see if it would help. After doing this for a little bit, I went back to the exercise and to my amazement I had no pain. I still can't believe it and as of this not, my shoulders are pain free.


I appreciate that you have concentrated on my nervous system and each week I see the benefit o what you have done for me. As you know I am a 73-year old former college athlete with the normal aches and pains, but I would certainly recommend you to anyone considering improving their physical situation. Your best quality (even better than your Master's degree), is the fact that you listen to what your clients are saying and the subtle nuances of what their bodies are telling you.


Thank you for your help,





I recently went on a month and a half long driving trip to Florida to pursue my beloved activities: surfing, paddleboarding, and kayaking. Total driving time from Fort Collins, Colorado to St. Augustine, Florida is about 30 hours. I break this driving up into 4 days averaging about 8 hours a day. I have been annually making this trip for going on 10 years. In the past I have been in awful neck and shoulder pain (and sometimes sciatica as well) during each driving day and especially, of course, at the end of the day when collapsing into the hotel room. Since practicing Original Strength (OS) under Jeff Columbia's guidance as my personal trainer at Zone Athletic Club, I have been mostly free of the pains and not running to a bottle of ibuprofen and/or an adult beverage at the end of each driving day. And the trip was more pleasurable and not just a means to the end of getting to and from Florida. The weather on the drive back to Colorado was awful with torrential rains and high winds. Normally, I would be a wreck driving those long distances through that kind of weather but not only was I doing fine, I made the last day a long one of almost 13 hours and made the trip in 3 days. Additionally, Jeff gave me activity specific exercises to prevent or at least mitigate the pain I always get from paddling out on my surfboard and paddling the other watercraft. I am 70 years old this year and still pursue the surfing when most people give it up much earlier. Not only did the OS exercises really diminish the pain but as a result, my ability to paddle out and catch waves was greatly improved. One of the best surfing trips I have had since I retired 7 years ago! Here's a big thanks to Jeff and a testimonial to the benefits of OS training and bodily "resets." 


Thanks, Jeff! 


Dave Ussery 

© 2023 by Gift of Movement Created by Jeff Columbia Pain Free Movement Specialist Certified Pro Original Strenght Coach.

Jeff Columbia, MA - NASM CPTCertified Pro Original Strength Coach

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